Jochen had spotted around 250 yearlings from the range of BBAG’s Sales & Racing Festival catalogue . After we are actually already well positioned for the coming season with our two purchases at the yearling auction , we were looking for the special pearls, according to the motto “Value for Money”. On the first evening, some of our favorites became significantly too expensive. The hammer fell for the 90, for example, only at €49,000, so 98 even a proud 61,000 € will be offered.

So we had already said goodbye to the idea of another new acquisition, until we saw that the 231 was a buyback.



The Lord of England daughter out of Party Frock by Oasis Dream, bred and reared by Jochen’s board colleague in the Bavarian owners’ association, Andrea Ledl, at Jettenhausen Stud, had already reminded us of our superstar, La Estrellita , during the inspection. We agreed on a fair price of €10,000 and assured Andrea that she would have a say in the choice of training accommodation.

The future “Paris Starlet” went straight back to Jettenhausen, where she enjoys the last rays of sunshine in the paddock before heading to the racing team. In the future, Paris Starlet will be trained for our interests by Karoly Kerekes in Munich. In this way, we continue to consistently pursue the strategy of diversifying in the choice of coaches.