Code of conduct

Code of conduct

Janina (member of the Animal Welfare Commission) has drawn up a code of conduct with the support of Jochen. The occasion was a report in the Bild newspaper, which harshly criticized the sport of galloping. The sports world has taken up the topic and reported on the...
El Sur Stud Farm starts operations

El Sur Stud Farm starts operations

Press release: El Sur Stud Farm starts operations Already on Christmas Eve the first mares moved in. “The timing was not entirely unconscious! This was a lifelong dream come true for me, which I wanted to enjoy as intensively and consciously as possible, for...


Die Diskussionen um die neue Gebührenordnung für Tierärzte (GOT) reißen nicht ab. Seit Inkrafttreten der neuen GOT im November 2022 erleben Pferdebesitzer und viele andere Tierhalter einen Preisschock. Viele Rechnungen haben sich verdoppelt. Das ist für viele Pferde-...