On November 14th we visited the Arqana Vente d’Automne Yearlings Plat in Deauville. A trip that was worth it for us. For El Sur Racing, Jochen was able to secure the top prize for the still unnamed Le Havre subsidiary (Lot 77) from the offer of La Motteraye Consignment.
“Galopp Online” reported on the purchase. Your press release can be found here: https://galopponline.de/news/galopp-news/deutsche-aktivitaeten-vente-dautomne-yearlings-plat

The French press also showed interest. Jochen’s interview with “Jour de Galop/Adrien Cugnasse” is attached as PDF.

YouTube: Le Havre, father of Flashing Starlet wins the Prix de Jockey Club 2009: