Starlets in 2nd and 3rd place

Starlets in 2nd and 3rd place

The starlets on their way to launch: In the end, both starlets end up in 2nd and 3rd place. Quijana Starlet behind Leonella ahead of Northern Starlet. Here is the overall result:...
Northern Starlet wins under Gavin Ashton

Northern Starlet wins under Gavin Ashton

After a recent disappointing race, our Northern Starlet was able to show us what she is made of on Sunday in Munich. With their start-to-finish victory under Gevin Ashton , the favourites of the race were left behind. Impressions from the race Click here for the...
Queen of Starlets wird Dritte in Straßburg

Queen of Starlets wird Dritte in Straßburg

Am 12.6.wurde Queen of Starlets Dritte in einem  gute besetzten 2350 m Rennen in Straßburg. Herzlichen Dank an unseren Trainer Gerald Geisler und sein gesamtes Team! Zurück zum...